Thursday, March 17, 2016


 I am starting to wonder if I will ever keep up with blogging...How is it already the middle of March? Here are a few random things that I just need to post to start catching up...again.

I follow several home decorating people on Instagram (some that I used to follow their blog) and one lady puts disco ball ornaments out so the room fills up with sparkles. I thought that was a fun idea, so I did it. And then I realized the sun only hits if for maybe 5 minutes a day. I love those few minutes but disco balls aren't cute enough to have out for 5 minutes a day of sparkles...

Jake is the garbage man at our house. Sometimes Jake forgets to put the garbage out. When this happens it smells. It also gets so full that there is no room for more garbage....And typing this just reminded me to remind Jake to put out the trash because it is trash day....And there in lies the problem. I have to remind him every.single.time. And if I don't he asks why I didn't remind him...He doesn't have to remind me to cook dinner, vacuum, dust, do the dishes, clean the bathroom....etc. I am waiting impatiently for him to remember to do it (and all his other chores) with out me reminding him.

See how I am standing at the end of the drive way...where the garbage can is supposed to be? I am sure you can also where the garbage can is...

Here is another sparkle picture. I love it! But...Five minutes...Disco balls aren't really cute...?

But wow!  Maybe they are cute enough....
I subbed in Seminary (early morning class before school at church for high schoolers. It is at 6 am and they are studying the Old Testament this year. They weren't all here on this particular day-we were missing 4 of them). I feel the need to go back and apologize to my Seminary teacher. Teenagers aren't a whole lot of fun at 6 am. Just kidding!...kind of.

 I'm not either. I am so glad I am not the Seminary teacher. I think it is great that they get up every morning and go...It just seems it could get discouraging to prepare and teach and have half asleep teenagers stare at you when you ask questions.

I have no idea why I took this picture...Maybe this was Valentines Day...This is why I should post more often...

Sadie thinks the mat in the bathroom is for her to sit on. When I am alone at home I sometimes don't shut the bathroom door and this happens. She keeps me company. 

I think I may start keeping an extra pair of earrings in the car. I hate it when I forget to wear them. These came in handy when I forgot to put some in. I obviously needed to clean my car in this picture.

We were so excited that our Carolina Panthers made it to the Super Bowl this year. We ordered a tray of Chick-Fil-A chicken nuggets for our party. And by party I mean Jake, Aaron, and I. Aaron didn't want to have anyone over (or go to anyone's house because "they would just talk through it and we care too much about the game to listen to that."

I made fruit pizza too.

That is an IBC root beer that Jake is drinking, not a beer.

I am currently at war with all the flat surfaces in our house and all our stuff.

We have too much stuff. And we are having a problem with putting said stuff away lately. 

See it all? Too much stuff...not put a way. And I still can't find my plates. I took down the Christmas ones and still can't find the rest of the year plates...

Just a little bit of stuff...but why didn't it get picked up?

Lots of school stuff out. That is okay during school...

Curse you flat surfaces and lots of stuff!

The chair is even holding laundry...It is a never ending war with flat surfaces and stuff.

I am happy to say that I have finally found cute, big girl workout clothes reasonably priced that have thumb wholes. I am happy about it. Really happy!!!!

I  got really nervous when our new TV started looking like this...

Turns out we needed a new DVR box from Dish Network. I am sooooo glad it wasn't the TV.

I am trying to stop drinking soda and it stinks. I decided to cheat and get a delicious Diet Dr Pepper from Chick-Fil-A and I drove off down the road before realizing they gave me a diet Coke. Epic fail Chick-Fil-A...You had one job...