I have really enjoyed a blog I stumbled upon called
Pitterle Postings, and I have loved reading her Friday posts especially. Patty is a gifted poet and writer! She links up to "Five Minute Fridays" over at
Gypsy Mama and I have been intrigued...So, I decided to give it a try. I AM IN NO WAY CLAIMING TO BE A WRITER. I am a rambler-that is probably why 5 minutes of just typing about a topic interests me. So, here goes. (This is the dialogue that went through my head this morning...)
The alarm is going off...already? Deep Breath...I can do this. I can get up and start the day...But I really don't want to...REALLY Deep breath. I'm up, I'm up...Great Jake isn't up. He is so grumpy when I have to wake him up! It is such a better start to the day when he wakes me up....Deep breath. Quick prayer. Wake the poor boy up even though he was up late last night (late for him at least-the boy needs his sleep-he is only 9 1/2...almost 10 really...Where has this decade gone!?). FOCUS! I am starting to doze-WAKE UP!!! Deep breath. I am still in bed...Did I put the clothes in the dryer last night? I hope so otherwise we are wearing unmatched socks again today. I have got to remember to get dog food today...I wonder if Blogger will be working today...Did I just snore? DEEP BREATH...Aaron should be home soon. How does he work 3rd shift-full time and go to school full time? Because he loves us, that's how. I married a great man. Deep Breath. If he can stay up all night for us, I can get my lazy self out of bed and wake up by almost a decade old baby...Where does the time go? Deep breath...Another day is here...
How fun! It is like a brain declutter and typing frenzy all in one! You should try it!! Link up
here and join the fun!