And they have trains....Jake loved it. His three year old self would have been in hog heaven!
Our first trip all by ourselves on the Metro in DC. I have always ridden on it with people who live there. We did pretty darn good for tourists.
We had to goals for the day.
Mine: National Archives.
Jake's: Air & Space Museum.
Our first stop was National Archives! EEEEKKKKK! I was so excited. We saw The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, and The Bill of Rights. It was so quiet and peaceful and I may have shed a few tears...Yep is is true. The Declaration of Independence is the most faded of the three, because it was taken on tour around our new country. But some of the words looked like they did, I am sure, the day they were written. "Freedom" and I think "Liberty" were still so bold. This is a great lesson. Jake and I were both touched and amazed by the words that had been preserved so well...If I had blogged back in January I would remember it more vividly. We will go back and see them again. It was amazing to see them. Next time I will write it down immediately. I can check that off my bucket list! I may have seen them as a kid but I don't remember. I think Jake will remember. Lucky homeschooler who has actually learned US history....
McDonald's has never tasted so good! We ate lunch at the Air & Space McDonald's before we explored. Jake thinks he wants to be a Aero (thanks for nothing spell check. Afro? Really?) Space Engineer so he really wanted to see it all.
And there is a ton to see. We didn't even have time to go through the whole thing or see any of the IMAX videos. Next time....
He did a lot of staring. It is all very cool but I wasn't as into the staring as he was...
He may have even drooled but I'm not sure...
We've been before (a few years ago) but it was fun to see again.
I thought the life size Leonardo da Vinci flying machine was AWESOME!
The hands on things are always a hit!
Jake gave it all two thumbs up....
Especially the gift shops!
Me, a crane, and the Capitol.
We decided as we were walking back to the metro that we had a few minutes for the Natural History Museum.
At this point Jake seemed to be losing his enthusiasm for posing...
Until we got inside. :)
We had to take this picture on the down low. It isn't really a picture of Jake...See the two kids in the corner? They were at a Smithsonian in Washington DC and they were sitting on a bench on their smart phones. PI-TI-FUL!!!! We thought we were so cool taking this picture....
...And this picture. :)
It all felt very Night at the Museum...We need to watch those movies again. It's been a while.
I think that is the Smithsonian Castle...Maybe...?
I know this one! The Capitol Building!
And now I am going to tell you the reason why this whole day almost didn't happen. It started off fine. We drove to the Metro with no problem and were so excited! We parked and were chatting and walking through the parking deck and as I am taking a step, in my mind in slow motion (the "....'s" are me typing in slow motion so you should probably read it in that funny slow motion voice), I am seeing myself stepping into a....puddle of water/oil and....then I am slipping in it....My right foot goes... straight out in front of me...I'm going down...and I catch myself...on my left knee....{PAIN!}....So hard that I pee my pants a little (don't read the last sentence in slow motion. That is just embarrassing). And when I say a little I mean more than just a tinkle but not a full one pee. Great way to start the day and my knee was kind of killing me but I was more sad to have just peed my pants. Awesome. But because I am an amazing mom (who really wanted to see the Declaration of Independence and Constitution), we went and got on the Metro anyway. Jake and Aaron think it is hysterical to say (in a sad, pitiful, kind of crying voice-similar to the one I spoke these same words in...), "I peed my pants a little bit!" So posterity you can see what I have to put up with! :) It is all worth it when you can count it as a day of school.