Sunday, October 24, 2010

Yard Sale (and a quick update of life in general)

Here are the pictures from our impromptu yard sale last weekend....This is Jake dancing by, trying to drum up some business.
The next picture is from Jake's popcorn and kool aid stand. He is wearing his ear muffs (for potting...oh shot what are they called? The little screaming creatures in Harry Potter...if I was doing this post I could tell you right now....what they are called?..Mandrakes!! It just came to me. No I didn't go look it up-the books are in Jake's room and I am not about to wake him up. I am so proud of myself for remembering), scarf, and that is his owl Roger, all from the awesome Harry Potter party the night before. (If you haven't checked out the pictures on "Little Larson's" yet you really need to. They are awesome!)...Funny story about Roger the owl. Jake came home with his owl and said his name was Pecker. I of course said nothing, but then Jake told Daddy. Aaron couldn't stop laughing. I won't go into why, but those of you not as innocent as our sweet 9 year old may have heard that word in a crude context before...We explained it to Jake. He laughed (such a boy!) and promised to never use the word in that connotation (upon threat of hot sauce to the tongue. He wouldn't any way. He still thinks the "s" word is stupid), and renamed his owl Roger. Roger is a much better name for his owl. :)
Look at all these clothes!...I really spread everything out so it looked like we had more to sell than we really did. We had enough to make almost $100 bucks, donate a trunk load to Goodwill and set aside a bunch of clothes for the cousins. Not to mention de-cluttering. There are several things in the picture I couldn't bear to part with...I would have sold them, but I was not giving them away...So, it is not as de-cluttered at it could be...

I still haven't taken an updated family picture yet...Oh-Jake got his 3rd pair of glasses last week (He is on Medicaid right now and it takes a while to get them in. We were lucky it only took a month! That is why we went ahead and bought some for him....It usually takes 8 weeks for them to come in!), and I was going to take a picture of him in them but it hasn't happened yet. I still need to finish our Vermont vacation pictures and of course the pictures from when the guys went to the Panthers (who finally won a game today by the way. I only know this because Aaron told me...I was taking a nap trying to get rid of a pounding headache) game...I will eventually do all that...

This weekend flew by, just like they all do. We had our Primary program today and it was wonderful. I need to post Jake's mini-talk from it. He did great....I will get to that too. We had a pancake breakfast yesterday and practice for the program. We also had the kiddos make the front of the programs by gluing words and pictures that were cut out of the Ensign, Friend, and New Era (church magazines for all ages of the family). They came out so great! Jake had 2 buddies come over after that and play. I made them play outside, while I used the opportunity for some much needed house work. Aaron was of course studying. He pretty much sleeps, works, or studies poor guy... But tomorrow he is taking a break and we are going to watch the Charlotte Bobcats (our NBA team for anyone who doesn't know) practice. It should be a lot of fun. We are hoping to catch a game this season-Jake has never been and they have really great family package deals.

I decided to do an experiment. I stopped taking my Prozac about 3 weeks ago. I was feeling good (apparently because of it!) and thought $30 a month was too much to "waste" for happy pills. What happened you ask? It was like turning off a light in my brain. I went from forgetting things here and there, to forgetting everything important that I had to do. I went from losing weight to gaining some of it back. I went from happy and tired, to grumpy, mean, and tired. I went from functioning happily, to barely functioning at all. It is really amazing how much more irritating people are when I don't take it. :) Oh wait, maybe it's me?! Yep. It's me. Yep-my hormones are still screwed up and making my brain all fuzzy. The worst part for me has been feeling like I have Alzheimer's disease... I asked Jake if he thought I had been grumpier lately (you see I did this without mentioning it to my family. I was convinced they would never notice), and before I could even get the sentence out he answered "YES!". I here ya. Aaron of course felt the same way. I asked why they didn't mention it to me. Aaron's response was "I was to scared to mention it. I didn't want to make you more grouchy." Enough said. I am going to refill it ASAP. Lesson from this: Planners don't work, but Prozac does.

I feel like I am posting mostly "stuff" here recently. Life is busy and I am glad to just be staying on top of it. Plus the "stuff" is our life and I don't want to forget that it happened. Lets face it, in 20 years we will remember the big vacations and birthdays, but the little tiny, everyday things will be forgotten. Sometimes they are the most important moments to remember. Those little things that remind us life is good, we are blessed, and love is all around us if we just let it in.