Thursday, May 6, 2010


On Sunday I only went to Sacrament because I had been battling a sinus issue for a few days and I had to work the next 6 days (make that 7. I found out today I have to work Mother's Day...Picture my pouting face right now...)with only one day off (and I hadn't been able to sleep the night before). Aaron convinced me I should rest and make sure it didn't get worse. I took his advice and went home. I had a yummy roast in the crock pot and really didn't feel like making all the other things to go with it. So, we had these instead:

Yummy roast beef sandwiches, with garlic, and melted mozzarella...It was so good...I could say the little one was for me...but I would be telling a lie...

Here is a close up of the yumminess...

And the happy eaters...Yes we ate on the couch...Pitiful I know.

And later that day when I was taking a nap, Elizabeth dropped off these pretty flowers for me! Thanks Elizabeth! :)