This past Wednesday (I am almost completely caught up from being MIA for so long! YIPPPEE!) was Young Authors Day for the 3rd graders at Jake's school. Aaron wasn't able to go because of classes (he is almost done with this semester!), but I was able to go because that is one of the days I always have off. The whole 3rd grade has been working for a couple of months on books about their life. As parents we had homework (which Jake thought was awesome) to send in baby pictures and right down details of them as babies. They did the rest by writing in all and putting the book together. Jake is more of a math and science guy so writing a whole book was I am sure like pulling teeth for his teacher! But he did a great job and we are so proud of how hard he works even at the things that don't always come easy. We will cherish this book forever!
The chapter about himself as a baby. He picked one of my favorite newborn pictures of him. It is actually the one we sent out in his baby announcements.

The back cover shows him doing his two future professions: the right side is him as a spy and the left side his him as a dog tag maker. This came from the chapter were he described his future: "I will get married (which he said he would do in college-true Mormon style!) to a blonde hair girl with sky blue eyes and her name will be Abby. We'll have 13 kids named (ready for this?) Sara, Jacob Jr., George, Bob, Bill Bob (really?), Winter, Saratoga (okay...), Charlotte, Anikan (too much Star Wars..), Emily, Faith, Annie, and Jack (the last 2 are from Magic Tree House books.) That's my Jake! :)

Jake's class making funny faces with their books.

Me and Jake enjoying the refreshments.

In the classroom...

Jake and his book.

Jake with his buddies Jayden and Corey.