...Was pretty much like other weeks. Work, school, clean, sleep, church, Cub scouts...You know the routine you fall into, that was our week. I of course like to take pictures of very random things and since it seems no on really reads my blog any more any ways, I can post as many as I want!
First of all I am a big fan of "Real Simple" products. Not so much the magazine-I do like it but it has way to many ads in it. I bought this grocery list pad a couple of years ago and it hangs on our fridge. Sometimes I use it, sometimes I don't...but recently I felt the need to give it a try again-to make errands and shopping "real simple". It is one of those pads were through out the week, when you run out of something, you just go check the box so you won't forget you need it when you are at the store. Well, we were running low on toilet paper so I went to check the little box for it, only to find there wasn't one!!! Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't EVERYONE use toilet paper? Sponges, batteries, and light bulbs made the list, but toilet paper didn't!?! I wrote it in, no big deal, but to me toilet paper is much more of a priority than sponges are...

Although the weather is still not chilly, the house is. Aaron gave Jake a great idea on how to stay warm at night, and here it is:

He said he felt like a new man when he woke up the first night after sleeping in his sleeping bag. And yes that is a beach towel hanging over his window. It keeps the draft off him a little. And yes, the tent is down. Jake decided he wanted to go back to his double bed. Aaron commented we should have kept the tent up because it would have kept him warmer...
I just have to document this awesome game of Othello, in which I totally kicked Jake's butt. I need to document this because, ever since I taught him my tricks to win, he has totally kicked my butt! So, just for the record Jake, you may bet me 99% of the time now but I KICKED YOUR BUTT this time...The last 2 plays I made may not have been legal...You see, he couldn't go anywhere so I just took his game pieces and flipped even more of his over. :) But, before that I still had kicked his butt.

And last, but not least: the Conference Ensign finally showed up in our mail box on Thursday! The first thing I do when I get it is look at all the pictures. I LOVE THE PICTURES!!! Of course I love all the talks too, but the pictures are always so beautiful...I love that we have the subscription that sends 2 copies of the Conference editions-that way I can have one all to myself...I am actually going to read the whole thing this time and I have already started. I always say I am going to but then life happens and I find my copy buried under mail, pictures colored for me by my sweet boy, and that form I was supposed to have sent back to school weeks ago...Please tell me I am not the only one with that kind of pile...

One more thing...actually two more things... #1-I needed some lip gloss, eye liner and eye shadow and the budget for that was non-existent. Target has this AWESOME AND CHEAP line called ELF (eyes, lips, and face) and I got all three of these products for $1 each. The eyeliner even came with a sharpener. I LOVE THEM! Especially the lip gloss and I am picky about my "lip products".

#2-SHHHH! Don't tell Jake...I can't keep it in any longer!!! Jake and I are going to visit my parents on their mission 12/3-12/13. Aaron can't go because of exams and work :(, but my parents found cheap tickets and that is our Christmas gift!!!!! It is kind of a gift for Aaron too because he will be able to sleep in a quiet house and study in silence. :) DON'T TELL JAKE!!! Oh, I forgot no one is really going to see this any way.... :)