I love pictures...Here are just a few from the month of May. They are backwards and really not in order...sorry...One big thing that is left out is my 33rd birthday. I have absolutely no pictures from that day to post. I don't really like the sound of 33. It sounds much older than 32. I am calling a "do-over" on 32! I will stay 32 but gladly turn 34 next year! Or maybe I will like the sound of 33 and go with it! Problem solved. Anyway...here is May in a nutshell!
A picture of Emily taken by Jake. I love that her tongue is half way out. (we have been using Aaron's old work camera since I broke mine.)

The sweetest face in the world! I love Jake with his summer cut!

The snake skin Jake found hunting that he finally is throwing away!

Jake and Bella posing at Dolly's in Brevard on Memorial Day! Best ice cream in the south!

Aaron and Jake eating it!

Jake relaxing...

Me and Jake playing in the water at Pisgah!

Me, Jake, and Bella!

Aaron and Jake...still at Pisgah.

This how Sophia spent most of the afternoon!

Dean's bald spot! Aaron took this one.

Jake trying to pose with Bella but really just squashing her head into the tube.

Jake holding one of the Quail's that they hatched in his classroom. They also had chicks and tadpoles.
One of the few pictures I took this season of Jake playing soccer. I decided to enjoy the games this season!

Jake after throwing the ball in...The camera was to slow to catch it...

Right before the other picture...

Me and my mom treating each other to Mother's day pedicures, a few days early.

My mom's toes!

Putting in the garden...There is a picture of me that Jake took, but I was getting out a clump of dirt that fell down my shirt! I won't be posting that one...

Jake on a field trip to Pisgah that I didn't get to go on because I was babysitting. My mom drove up to go...What a good grandmother.

My mother's day breakfast in bed. The picture of me with my hair sticking up crazily, and no make up will never see the light of day.

Jake washing his first 2 wheeler bike that he out grew to sell it for $10 to his buddy Cody.

Jake and his good friend Kaili, relaxing and eating a snack after running through the sprinkler for the first time of the season!